Linux Cert Exam Prep. - LIteLinux Certification Exam Preparation - Lite VersionLinux Certification i...
Linux Cert Exam Prep. - LIteLinux Certification Exam Preparation - Lite VersionLinux Certification is required for anyone whos interested in having a carrier in System Administration and Linux Engineering. If youre preparing for Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE), Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA), Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE) or Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS), this app is going to help you a lot preparing for your exams. This app covers complete material taught for Linux Certifications. The chapters included in the app are following. ENVIRONMENT1. Linux Environment - Beginner2. Linux Environment - Medium3. Linux Environment - AdvancedCOMMANDS4. Linux Commands - Beginner5. Linux Commands - Medium6. Linux Commands - Advanced7. Linux Commands - ExpertFILE MANAGEMENT8. Linux File Management - Beginner9. Linux File Management - Medium And AdvancedFILE TYPES10. Linux File TypesFILE PERMISSIONS11. Linux File Permissions - Beginner12. Linux File Permissions - Medium And Advanced13. Linux File System OverviewSTARTUP AND SHUTDOWN14. Linux Startup & ShutdownMANAGEMENT15. Linux Process Management16. User Account ManagementSHELL17. Linux Shell Programming18. Linux Shell Environment - Beginner19. Linux Shell Environment - Medium And Advanced20. Linux Shell Redirection21. Shell Special SymbolsSEARCH22. Linux Search PatternFUNCTIONS AND VARIABLES23. Linux Shell Functions24. Linux Shell VariablesBASH25. Bash Arithmetic Expression----------------------------------This app uses the state of art methodology to prepare students for the exam. You start preparing using flashcards, where answers are provided on the back of the flashcards. Then you can bookmark flashcards which you feel difficult and think that you dont know the answer that well. You can access the bookmarked flashcards in a different section so that you dont have to go through the list of questions. You can test your knowledge using in-built quizzes. You can create your own quizzes by customizing it by bookmarking quiz questions. Once you submit the Quiz/Test youll be provided with your result and you can take tests unlimited number of times. Other than telling your score, test results also show the list of problems with their answers which you answered wrong, that way you can perform better next time. This app is also equipped with creating your own course material and notes. Suppose your want to add some extra questions or if you are using another text book, this app will help you by creating custom flashcards. You are able to create custom chapters and flashcards with questions, answers and options. For custom flashcards, you are able to attach images to your flashcards. Following is the description how to attach images to your custom flashcards. ----------------------------------LEARN HOW TO ATTACH IMAGESYou can attach up to 5 different images in a single custom flashcard using [attach1], [attach2], [attach3], [attach4] and [attach5] anywhere in question, answer or any of the wrong options. Once you write these keywords, upload attachment buttons will start enabling where you can upload an image from your phone. Uploading an attachment needs to be in sequence meaning you cant enable [attach2] before [attach1]. Example: Question: What is happening in the picture? [attach1].----------------------------------